In this week's post I want to announce the latest versions available for WebReports and VDM and some of the key features / tasks that were completed in the November updates.
Latest Version:
Key Updates:
Bug Fixes
We have fixed the locked buttons on the Scheduler when first entering the Scheduler
The Oracle connection page no longer gets displayed when creating a Rocket U2 connection
FSGS no longer looks at report fields when CSS is disabled
Users are now able to set Schemas when connected to WebReports via an Oracle connection in VDM
VoV versions are now properly displayed when saved
Running API command lines no longer displays an infinite Retrieving data prompt
Multi Query no longer creates empty datasets if one of the queries does not return results
Selecting parameters while selected on the Dynamic Query no longer overwrites the selected parameter
Implemented Tasks / Features
Latest Version:
Key Updates:
Bug Fixes
Like operators no longer result in Object Reference error when running a View in WebReports
Implemented Tasks / Features