Find the right VDM plan for you
Developer License *
View Only License **
WebReports Users **
Phone Support
Live Virtual Support
Email Support
Written Documentation
Instructional Videos
Updates & Upgrades
Advanced reporting needs
For teams and business
For professionals
A Developer License grants access to Create, Edit and Distribute all content in VDM such as Views, Insights, Jobs, Finished Reports, Visualizations and more
A View Only License grants access to View and Distribute content in VDM such as Views, Insights, Jobs, Finished Reports, Visualizations and more
A WebReports License grants access to WebReports where users are able to Run/View/Download reports all in the web browser.
Phone support will consist of getting on the phone and working together to answer questions or resolve challenges you are having.
Live Virtual Support will consist of getting on and remote working with you to solve any challenge or questions.
Email support includes opening tickets with our support system at and we will answer all questions and provide guidance on anything you need.
We provide written documentation on everything that is VDM. Installation, Query Building, Report Building and more! Just check out the support page.
In addition to the Written Documentation we also provide video tutorials on our YouTube Channel. These are designed to be brief and to the point so we can keep you moving forward.
Updates And Upgrades include any new version releases that require using the auto update feature or upgrading to a new release from previous versions.
* Add additional Developer Licenses for $150/user/month
** Add additional View Only or WebReports User Licenses for $25/user/month